Dear friends,

The last few weeks have been so different from anything we have ever seen before. it's hard to imagine such quick changes we have to do to our daily lives and the worry and anxiety that we are all going though just thinking about how cautious we all have to be to stay healthy and safe! We hope and pray that our family and friends here and far away will stay safe too. 

Many things are changing and being on the internet -online is new challenge right now for school distance learning and for other events as well. We know that although it's not possible to have the Azalea Festival at school, the good news is that Landon will still be having it but online this time. 

To see a list of all the vendors that will be participating look HERE

This festival will be different from the previous 65 festivals and what we need to keep in mind is that because it's online, we have an opportunity to make it very special and meaningful for the community. We will not have to worry about the weather conditions and if people can go shopping in a day where the rain does not stop. Also vendors do not have to worry about sett up and take down, although that part I really enjoy for some reason. I love making it all pretty so you can come visit! 

We are so thankful to the Landon faculty and staff for all the work that is being done in order to support our school kids. Landon opened it's doors to 22 students in the fall of 1929 just months before the beginning of the Great Depression. It was with a great commitment, dedication and courage that the school persevered back then and it's with that same spirit of strength that the school will persevere again this time. This year is specially hard for our Seniors. I know for I have one and he will be missing a lot of fun events, but memories will be taking shape in a different way. There will be social events taking place but online this time and when this is all done, he will remember all those moments. People have the opportunity to connect so much online with Facebook, Instagram and with so many other social media platforms.

We hope that you will be excited about this festival coming up just as much as I am. See you here in another blog, talking more about our festival coming up.

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xo Ceci Mason founder and artist

 Diga Linda Say Beautiful

February 01, 2024 — Ceci Mason

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